
Up and At Them!

The Maintenance Crew from Winooski Valley Parks District has made a irreparable mistake.  Not only are they interested in helping with the roof of the Timber Frame, they're also competent, engaged and fun to work with.

Last week we hosted into place all sixteen rafters.  For the first time in real-life the math-on-wood came together and they fit into their housings like... an oven mitt.

I can't stress enough how much the crew's efforts meant.  Tim, James, Manny, Tom, and Ben - it would not have happened with out y'll.

AND it is not a quiet time for them.  There was a pretty big storm only a week earlier which brought with it some pressing work - there are trees to clear, drives to level, and always fields to mow.

Next: Strapping, roofing, finishing.


Last of the Rafters

It's been a long, long way coming.  Yesterday we finished the rafters.  It took the coordinated efforts of ten folks over the course of a few weekends. 

May, June, July in Vermont.  Spring came fast this year and beauty is rarely far behind her - it can be hard to buckle down with such company.  

Quiet, temperate mornings burned off quickly.  The various community gardens near our site bustled with all manor of citizen in the afternoon sun. 

Owen was on back on the East Coast for a few weeks this summer and wanted to get some more timber framing experience

Anne moved to Burlington recently and wants experience in Natural Building.  She's working her tail off durring the week and putting in hours every weekend she can. 

Robinson moved to town a few months ago for a Farm Apprentice program.  He's got an axe.  Henry has been helping with the frame since last year.

 Assuming everything goes as planning, these will be airborne Wednesday.

Stay tuned.

Hand Hewing Class Photos

MTS is pleased to report Hand Hewing is back on the calendar.  Come one, Come All.  We'll be turning two logs into dimensional lumber using a variety of axes, techniques, and biscuit power.

Call to reserve.  Class size limited.


The class was a success.  Below are just some of the choice shots.  Thanks again to Carl and all the gritty dudes who came out.




First Face

Finishing the Square